Connecting research and practice, as well as research on immersion and study abroad programs have been Professor Mitchell’s (University of Southampton) main focus for years. In this podcast, she explains the challenges that learners may meet in different kinds of immersion programs and discusses research in teaching practice.
By Anita Thomas
Is immersion the best way to learn a language?
In this podcast, Rosamond Mitchell offers a nuanced answer to this question by reminding us of the many challenges to developing language during a stay abroad: aspects such as careful and strategic preparation, support during the stay, motivation to learn the language and opportunities to socialize with peers are just a few mentioned. She also provides a few suggestions on how to use immersive approaches in language classrooms and emphasizes the potential of IT resources for creating innovative multilingual exchanges.
Challenges in connecting second language acquisition research and second language teaching.
Rosamond Mitchell tackles the tension between teachers‘ individual situations and researchers’ tendencies to generalize results which might not be applicable to all contexts. Listen to the full podcast to learn more about her perspectives on second language learning and teaching.
Podcast with Rosamond Mitchell (University of Southampton)
Rosamond Mitchell’s profile
Link to the LANGSNAP study abroad project
The OASIS database (Open Accessible Summaries In Language Studies), including many studies summarized in an accessible speech