Languages and music: a research project for language teaching and learning

Working with songs is often included in foreign language instruction at the public-school level, but music is rarely taught explicitly in such courses. The project “Languages and music: towards an interdisciplinary didactic approach at school” at the HEP Vaud shows us how music education can be an integral part of German and English lessons at school, and the ideas here are easily adaptable to other languages. To find out more, Laura Loder-Büchel (PHZH) posed a few questions to Chiara Bemporad (HEP Vaud).
Max Raabe, Hänsel and Gretel, Philipp Dittberner, Sia, Aretha Franklin….instruments, rhythm, refrain!

Wörter, die Schule machen? d) Handlung [Podcast]

Diskussionsrunde: 11.03.2024  – Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit/CeDiLE/HEP|PH FR Gäste: Larissa Bochsler (Bureau de l’intégration et de la citoyenneté, Etat de Genève); Olivier Bolomey (HEP VD); Roger Grünblatt (HEP BEJUNE); Lorène Sarrasin (CO Glâne) Moderation: Luciano Rapicavoli (UNIFR) Der handlungsorientierte Ansatz beim Sprachenlernen, der auf eine konkrete Verwendung der Sprache in der Klasse abzielt, scheint sich immer mehr… Wörter, die Schule machen? d) Handlung [Podcast] weiterlesen

Living Languages at Museums, part II: insight from Babylonia 2/23 [Podcast]

Language learning at a museum? „Of course“ asserted Laura Loder-Büchel (PHZH) and Karine Lichtenauer (UNIGE) in a podcast to mark the release of Babylonia’s 2nd 2023 issue entitled „Living Languages at Museums“, the second issue on this topic. While the first issue offered a broad overview of work carried out on the subject around the world, this one focuses on concrete experiences that can be reused in language teaching in schools. In our latest podcast (in English) discover why the two authors are so excited about this issue.